Alisa Ono, Jiani Zeng, Joshua Graves, Lila Jansen
This sankey chart visualizes the flow of workers in the united states through levels of educational attainment towards the median salary associated with their highest level of education. By clicking on the buttons at the bottom of the chart, you can see the drastic difference in median income and educational attainment between male and female workers. Data from: Bureau of Labor Statistics
The map charts below visualize the median household income (left) and the educational attainment (right) by state. Use the sliders to select the ranges of incomes and educational attainment levels to compare the distributions. Data from: American Fact Finder
by Educational Attainment of Householder
(in US dollar, 1996 ~ 2016)
The bar chart below demonstrates the trend of household income during the past 10 years. The chart on the top (with grey bars) shows the average annual income per household within the 10 years. The six individual charts show the trend of household income with regards to educational attainment level of the householder. Data from: Census Bureau
This graph shows the percent of the population over 25 that achieved each education level for the given year. It shows every 10 years, from 1947 to 2017. Data from: Census Bureau